The website of QPLAN Refrigeration, and every image, audio and textual content and their arrangements, especially the names, logos and graphics, prospectus, assay and other information material are protected by the Act LXXVI of 1999 on copyright and by the Act XI of 1997 on the protection of trademarks and geographical indications. The entire contents of the website are the property and is at sole disposal of QPLAN Refrigeration and its business partners. The use of the contents of the website in whole or in parts – including the downloadable contents- especially, reproduction, transfer, modification and storage is only allowed after preliminary written permission has been granted by QPLAN Refrigeration for such. QPLAN Refrigeration does not bear responsibility for any inaccuracies, or incompleteness on the website. QPLAN Refrigeration is not responsible for any potential damages caused by using the contents of this website – with or without the preliminary written permission by QPLAN Refrigeration – for example: not choosing the correct refrigeration equipment, planning of a nonfunctioning refrigeration equipment. Any decision based on the contents of the website is solely the responsibility of the User.
QPLAN Refrigeration does not bear any responsibility for any losses or damages caused by the access, or incompleteness, and use of the website or any of its contents. The website is a service provided for the visitors of the website. QPLAN Refrigeration reserves the right to change the contents of the website even without notice. The use of the website and its contents by deviating from the QPLAN Refrigeration disclaimer above could lead to legal consequences according to copyright law, civil law and criminal law. QPLAN Refrigeration acts against any infringements that came to its attention. If any of the listed part of the disclaimer were to be invalidated by an existing law that does not affect the validity of the rest of the disclaimer.